
Is It Time to Narrow Your Niche?

You know for far too many years in my business, I struggled with narrowing my specialty and choosing a niche. I believed that fine tuning my niche would keep away much needed business and clients. But…over the years for myself and my clients, I have found the opposite to be true. Now my niche has… Continue reading Is It Time to Narrow Your Niche?

Are You Taking Your Place in the World?

Have you been searching for your life purpose? It’s a difficult thing to pin down isn’t it? I know I searched for years to know my purpose. And now I’ve come to believe that it’s not a destination – something we find – but rather it’s a journey and a way of being – something… Continue reading Are You Taking Your Place in the World?

How Practicing Gratitude Can Grow Your Business

At this time of year, many cultures around the world celebrate the abundance of the harvest and the blessings of family and community. We are reminded to cultivate gratitude and to make time to appreciate all that we have. So, I thought I would share my thoughts on practicing gratitude and give you my 5… Continue reading How Practicing Gratitude Can Grow Your Business

Are You Giving Your Clients What They Really Want?

Something that I have learned to do regularly in my business is to ask my clients and prospects what they need next from me. . . . To get a sense of where they are stuck and how I might help them get unstuck. . . . To understand their biggest problems, frustrations and concerns… Continue reading Are You Giving Your Clients What They Really Want?

Where Is Your Bliss Station?

Do you ever feel you have no time for yourself? Most of us get so busy in our lives, there is very little time to slow down and reflect. Click the arrow to listen to Jan Marie Dore reading this article [display_podcast] I’ve been making more time lately to nurture my spiritual side and take… Continue reading Where Is Your Bliss Station?

How Big is Your Vision? {my coaching tip to find your Big Why}

I’m having one of those “how can it be September already?!” moments today. The summer has flown by so quickly. I’m sure it has for you too – and I hope you had a fabulous summer with lots of time to rest and rejuvenate! I took some time off to travel, recharge, uplevel my brand,… Continue reading How Big is Your Vision? {my coaching tip to find your Big Why}

Specialize, Simplify and Systematize to Grow Your Business and Income the Easy Way

One thing I have learned over many years in business is that the best results come when I narrow down to focus on my top core talents and simplify my business offerings. I was teaching a marketing class recently to a group of coaches and consultants and said to the participants that you need to… Continue reading Specialize, Simplify and Systematize to Grow Your Business and Income the Easy Way

Generosity: The New Business Growth Strategy

When you learned about business, were you taught that it’s all about getting clients, promoting yourself, and making lots of money? I know that’s what I learned. And that’s the way I approached growing my business for many years. It took me a long time to realize that there is another way to approach the… Continue reading Generosity: The New Business Growth Strategy

Activating Your Vision

Do you have a big vision for your business and your life? An activity I do with friends and colleagues once every year is to make a visual collage of my vision for the year for my life and my business. This helps me tap into my intuition and get in touch with what’s most important… Continue reading Activating Your Vision

ICF Midwest Coaching Conference and My Presentation a Great Success

I’m just back from the International Coach Federation (ICF) Midwest Coaches Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. I have attended many of the ICF Conferences over the years – even chaired two of them in 1999 and 2000, helped organize the first ICF European conference in 2001, and presented at several ICF Conferences. At this year’s conference… Continue reading ICF Midwest Coaching Conference and My Presentation a Great Success