
How Practicing Gratitude Can Grow Your Business

jan marie doreAt this time of year, many cultures around the world celebrate the abundance of the harvest and the blessings of family and community. We are reminded to cultivate gratitude and to make time to appreciate all that we have.

So, I thought I would share my thoughts on practicing gratitude and give you my 5 tips and practices I use.

Gratefulness for me is about enjoying the sights, sounds, smells and abundance all around me and celebrating all my blessings. I have personally found that an ongoing practice of gratitude is a powerful tool for recreating my life so that I regularly experience happiness, joy, and contentment.

Gratitude is simply a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for all that is. Grateful thoughts have the effect of aligning your heart, mind, and soul.

My mentor coach and I discussed the power of gratitude this week and how practicing it could keep me feeling joyful and connected to all the abundance and love that always surrounds me.

The core of gratefulness is having an awareness of the opportunity to be grateful for any life event or circumstances, to appreciate all of your emotions and feelings, and to mindfully choose your response to any circumstance.

There are opportunities for all of us in every moment to be grateful for what we have and what we are experiencing – even the small things.

We all have the ability to make our lives even richer and more positive by noticing daily events, appreciating the benefits we receive, and being mindful of surprises. Beauty, richness, and love already exist in our lives. There are gifts and opportunities in every situation.

You have the power to control whether your thoughts will be positive and focused on what’s going well in your life, or negative and focused on what is not going well.

gratitudeYou can be an example of happiness and gratefulness by expressing appreciation to people on a regular basis. Let the people you care about know that you are grateful they are in your lives – and why.

Having much to be thankful for does not diminish the reality of sadness, disappointment, or discouragement, or the need to feel those feelings at times. You can, though, intentionally reframe painful or disappointing events as opportunities for growth and learning, and deliberately look for the silver linings.

Begin to notice if your words and thoughts are full of complaints about what is lacking in your life. By applying gratitude daily in your life, it’s possible to achieve peace and contentment in a demanding, overwhelming, and sometimes disappointing world.

Here are five intentional practices on gratitude. Try these so you’ll feel more peace and contentment.

1) Gratitude Journal
Create your own personal gratitude journal – a place to list your blessings on a regular basis. Record the small and large gifts and moments that are enriching your life every day. You can also create a family gratitude journal where everyone makes entries.

2) Gratitude Ritual
Create a gratitude ritual. Before going to bed at night, glance back over your day and reflect on moments of grace, abundance, joy, friendship, and contentment – the things that you enjoyed or felt blessed by that day. Nightly, record three things that went well each day and why they went well.

3) Evening Meal Blessing
Pause before your evening meal to acknowledge the things that make your life abundant and meaningful.

4) The Gratitude Alphabet
This exercise works like magic when you need a change in attitude. Either aloud or in writing, beginning with “A”, think of the first thing that comes to mind that you are grateful for that starts with that letter and say (or write) ‘I am grateful for ______.‘

Do this quickly without too much thought. Continue until you have reached “Z”. You might also share this exercise with your loved ones, speaking aloud alternate letters.
I am grateful for Apples
I am grateful for Beauty
I am grateful for Chocolate
I am grateful for DVD’s
I am grateful for Email
I am grateful for Friends
I am grateful for Grass
I am grateful for Hugs
…. . you get the idea

5) Gratitude Affirmation
Practice gratitude by reading this affirmation on contentment:

This day, I am content.
I am grateful for what I have and for what I do not have.
I learn from both joys and disappointments.
I refrain from criticism and fault-finding.
I don’t try to change others.
I accept myself as I am and as I change.

You can begin right now to start to see the perfection and beauty in everything and everyone and to practice gratitude to make your life richer and more positive and joyful.

Gratitude is simply a habit of mind!

If you’d like to explore how gratitude and other spiritual and mindset practices can impact your personal and business growth, I’ve opened up my schedule to talk to you.

{Let’s Talk!} Click here to schedule a complimentary 1:1 call with me.

in gratitude…

Jan Marie

P.S. My 4 Month Coaching Mentorship is Available at Special Pricing only Until October 20th!

This program is for the new or experienced coach who’s no longer available to play small and is ready to earn her first 3K, 5K or for some – 10K month.

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This program is all-inclusive, you literally won’t need to invest a dime in any other support to launch and grow your business.

We’ll be diving in together and I’ll be fully supporting you in:

creating your signature offerings and pricing that your ideal clients Know is for them
reviewing your sales process so you’re actually excited about doing sales calls
– making sure your website copy is attracting potential clients
implementing the FREE marketing structures that carried me to being fully booked with clients
removing your money blocks so you’re ready to receive your first 3K, 5K or10K month and make this your new norm

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Don’t delay setting up a Complimentary Discovery Call with me if you think this program is a “Yes!” for you as the price will be increasing by $1,200 on October 20th.

{Let’s Talk!}

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By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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