I have been reflecting recently on what my new vision is for my business and my life. I know there is change ahead, so I’ve been spending time getting in touch with what that is. I know that part of my vision includes an online learning center for women entrepreneurs . . . the coaches… Continue reading 4 Steps to Living Your Bigger Vision
Author: Jan Marie Dore
I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!
Women’s Wisdom is Changing the World – Are You Playing Your Part?
I’m sure you’ve heard the famous Dalai Lama quote that the world will be saved by the western woman. But have you internalized that message? Have you actually stepped up as the powerful woman entrepreneur and leader you know you are meant to be? And from that place of your deeper strength and purpose have… Continue reading Women’s Wisdom is Changing the World – Are You Playing Your Part?
How to Attract High Paying Coaching Clients [VIDEO]
If you want to build a profitable coaching business online . . . . . . and if you know how to attract higher fee clients, you can grow your income quickly with less effort. But the question I am always asked is … “Just how do I attract high-paying clients?” Because attracting premium clients… Continue reading How to Attract High Paying Coaching Clients [VIDEO]
How to Stop Struggling with Marketing
Do you ever struggle with marketing yourself? Ever get the feeling that you’re being pushy, or interrupting people, or trying to get them to like you? I know it can feel very yucky sometimes to put yourself out there and try to get clients. But the truth is, you can’t “get” clients. You can only… Continue reading How to Stop Struggling with Marketing
8 Simple Steps to Choose Your Coaching Niche
Many of the women coaches and entrepreneurs I work with know that they need to choose a niche market so their marketing will be more effective. But they don’t know how to narrow their offers and their audience. So here’s what you can do. Let’s say you have 3 niche markets that you are considering… Continue reading 8 Simple Steps to Choose Your Coaching Niche
To Have More, You Need to Be More
A client came to me for one of our coaching sessions saying that she had several big goals she wanted to achieve in a short period of time – including increasing her income substantially. We brainstormed several ideas and worked out a strategy she could begin to implement right away to attract more clients and… Continue reading To Have More, You Need to Be More
How to Ask Coaching Clients for the Money with Confidence
Does asking for the money from potential clients in a sales conversation ever cause you fear or doubt, or deal a blow to your feeling of confidence? Do you dread that point in a conversation when someone says, “So what do you charge?” You’re not alone. I know when I first started asking people to… Continue reading How to Ask Coaching Clients for the Money with Confidence
Ready for a year of new beginnings? [my tips to manifest your dream]
I hope you had a fantastic holiday season and are re-energized and inspired to start the new year. I know I am. You may have had ups and downs and faced challenges in 2017, but 2018 is a whole new year. You get a clean slate. A chance to start fresh. So, how do you… Continue reading Ready for a year of new beginnings? [my tips to manifest your dream]
Who Am I Now? 7 Questions to Create the Results You Really Want
This time of year is a great time to look back at the year that has just ended and think about what you want to create in the next year. To focus on who you are becoming and how you want to serve. As the year comes to a close, one thing I like to… Continue reading Who Am I Now? 7 Questions to Create the Results You Really Want
Think Small: Micro-Niche Your Way to Business Success
Conventional wisdom tells us to think big. Having coached and trained thousands of coaches and business owners over the past 20 years, I find the ones that have the greatest success tend to *think small*. What do I mean by ‘thinking small’? I mean choosing a narrow micro-niche where they can stand out as a… Continue reading Think Small: Micro-Niche Your Way to Business Success