
To Have More, You Need to Be More

Jun 30-16 To Have More You Need to Be More 350X249A client came to me for one of our coaching sessions saying that she had several big goals she wanted to achieve in a short period of time – including increasing her income substantially.

We brainstormed several ideas and worked out a strategy she could begin to implement right away to attract more clients and ramp up her income.

Her strategy included actions such as:

  • contacting former clients with a special offer

  • giving a talk or a teleseminar once a month

  • offering regular workshops or webinars

  • creating a workbook and audio program so she could earn passive income

  • approaching well connected people in her market to get introduced and interviewed

My client had passion, enthusiasm, expertise and a great plan. She was willing to invest her time and effort and do the work she needed to. She knew what she wanted: recognition as the go-to person in her field, more of the ideal clients that she loved to work with, and a specific amount of income.

And yet, she was hesitating. Something was stopping her from stepping up in a bigger way. She thought she was ready to take action, but she started procrastinating.

Has that ever happened to you?

You see, most people have the creative process reversed. They believe that if they ‘have’ something (more, time, love, money, resources), then they be able to ‘do’ what they really want (travel, buy a home or new car, write a book, find love), and as a result they will ‘be’ (happier, more peaceful or contented, richer, wiser, in love). They want to have, so they can do, and then they’ll be.

The process actually works in reverse. In business you need to first BE the person in your mind who is a leader in her field, who delivers compelling content to her target audience, or who is earning a six-figure income – whatever your dream goals would be.

It all starts in your mind. Your thoughts are constantly creating your beliefs about what you think is possible. You need to have a clear picture of who you need to BE in order to attract what you most want. Then, you need to act or DO from that place – that future place where you already have what you want.

For example, if you decide you’re going to be a six-figure business owner, you need to start thinking, acting, making decisions, and moving through life as a high-earning person would.

Then, take the actions and DO the work so that you will HAVE what you want. Do things from the place of “beingness”.

To have more, you need to BE more.

For my client, we worked on shifting her mindset from being an underearner to acknowledging herself as deserving of a higher income.

We also worked on her confidence and her belief in herself – who she was being. Once she acknowledged who she could be as a confident, purposeful, high-earning business owner, she was able to take massive action to attract more clients and increase her income quickly. Everything started to fall into place.

The “Be – Do – Have Principle” can transform your life and your business. It’s not a question of what you’re doing – it’s all about who you’re being. You can start your creative process in motion right now by being the person that you really want to be – then you’ll end up having everything you really want.

I invite you to post your comments below.

Wishing you much success in BEING the person you really want to be!

~ Jan

P.S. Are you ready to be more, to have more and to create a thriving coaching business so you can live the big life you’ve always known is meant for you?

I’m on a mission to support more women in making the impact they know they are meant to make and making the money they deserve.

I have 3 spaces available for my business accelerator mentorship at a very special price that I won’t be offering for very long. If you’d like to work with me . . .

Click here now for Business Accelerator Mentorship details >>

For a limited time, you’ll also get free access to my “Grow Your List and Profit” online course. This is my complete List Building Course and step-by-step video training to attract a steady stream of fans, followers and clients. (Value $497)


By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


  1. Hi Jan,

    Glad you had a lovely vacation … well-deserved! Sounds like it inspired you to write a beautiful article, as well. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

    Looking forward,
    Rhonda Belous

  2. Jan,

    Even after we decide who we are, do all the work, and are ready go we often stop in our tracks and start worrying about who other people think we are. In order to move forward we need to stay focused on ourselves and our goals.


  3. So true Lana! We find creative ways to stop ourselves – especially women. We need to stay true to our purpose and inner guidance and not worry so much about what others think.

  4. Hello Jan
    One of our members has asked me to republish your Too Have More article in our upcoming Winter Ezine – following your instructions your article will be circulated to over 800 women in our network. Hopefully you will check us out and become a member to receive your own copy of our Empowering Perspectives ezine.

  5. This article is exactly what I needed to read right now. I’ve been asked to submit a proposal for a big client and I’ve been working hard to move my credentials up a level. The last few days I’ve been doubting myself big time. This article was a great piece of inspiration!

  6. Oh I am familiar with hesitation, thanks Jan for posting this. Shifting to believing I am already good enough to be my offer is my ongoing battle, one in which being aware and noticing hesitation is the first step to be able to move through it. So relevant, thanks again!

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