
VIP Days: The Secret Strategy of Top-Earning Coaches

Coaching Client VIP Days

Coaching Client VIP DaysTell me, how many hours a day do you spend on the phone with clients? If you’re like most coaches whose practice is filling up, the answer is often “more than I want to.”

Let’s face it, when you have a full roster of clients, coaching can sometimes be exhausting (and exciting at the same time!).

Sure, you love working with different clients, and you get a real charge out of being able to help people overcome their issues and achieve their goals. But it’s still taxing to be on the phone all day, every day. I know – I’ve been there in the past with a very full practice of 20 one-on-one clients, plus running group programs, and I was worn out.

And add to that the need to constantly be looking for new clients, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout.

That’s why so many coaches are beginning to offer VIP days. Simply put, a VIP day is a whole day spent with a single client (or maybe a small group of two to four, depending on your preferences).

Rather than jumping from call to call and trying to keep up with multiple clients and their various issues, you can simply focus on a single client and a single goal.

Sounds freeing, doesn’t it? Well, it can be!

Even better, with coaches routinely charging as much as $2,000 to $5,000 and up for a VIP day, you can see that scheduling just 4 clients per month can bring in more than a whole week’s worth of one-on-one calls. (The minimum fee for a VIP Day for a newer coach would be $995 – and even at that, it’s well worth your time to do it!)

Here’s how VIP days work: Typically, clients will travel to your location. You might choose to meet in your home, in a rented meeting space, or in a hotel. You can also host virtual VIP days via Skype by video or phone, if you prefer.

Your VIP day will be tightly focused and have a single goal. If your market is online business owners and you are a genius at book writing, your VIP days might be designed to get a client to plan, outline, and begin writing her first book. If you work with working moms in search of balance in their lives, you might focus your day around creating a workable schedule for the family, with planners and other organizational tools created by the end of the day.

Your VIP clients receive the benefit of your expertise, your undivided attention, and a day spent simply focusing on the task at hand (no texting with the kids during a VIP day!). It’s a powerful way to get things done, and unlike conferences and other training programs, it encourages clients to actually do the work on site, rather than going home with a notebook full of ideas she’ll never implement.

VIP days also make for a great opportunity to upsell your client into an ongoing group or 1:1 coaching program. After all, she’ll likely need more support after she gets back home, and regular private coaching sessions with you, or group sessions with other VIP clients, is a great way to get the support she needs to continue working toward her goals.

Ready to offer your own VIP days? Start by asking your current clients if it’s something they’d be interested in. Chances are they’ll give you an enthusiastic thumbs up, and you’ll be ready to start putting together a plan to offer powerful, focused VIP coaching.

Now is the perfect time to step more fully into your purpose and make a greater impact and income with VIP Days!


P.S. You Can Create and Sell Your Own V.I.P Client Intensives with Me in My New Program “CREATE CLIENT VIP DAYS: 4 Steps to Cash in on the Secret Strategy of High Earning Coaches”

This is my brand new LIVE 4-Week Online Course and Coaching Program.

I will be supporting you every step of the way in:

  • planning your own VIP Day offers, both in-person and virtual

  • organizing and structuring the perfect VIP Day

  • opening to a whole new way of receiving income that is very, very rewarding

  • knowing what content to include (and how not to overwhelm your clients!)

  • promoting your VIP Days and attracting perfect clients to sign up for your full-day and half-day intensives.

  • over-delivering on a transformational experience

  • seamlessly upselling to your next offer to working with you

  • automating the application process, scheduling, agreements and payment so you save tons of time and effort

…and much more!

I will show you exactly how to plan and sell your own VIP Client Days in this 4-module online course with LIVE Q&A Coaching calls – and a private Facebook group just for the small group of women coaches and entrepreneurs in this program to get additional support.

Does that idea sound good to you?

If so, I invite you to join us. This is the kind of training that can change the course of your life and business forever!

Find Out More

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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