
The Best Way To Shorten Your Learning Curve and Grow Your Coaching Business Quickly

coaching business mentorI recently completed a coaching program with a high level mentor. The mastermind group of women entrepreneurs she gathered together was so dynamic and inspirational that the energy and support of the group helped me make significant changes to my business and my mindset. I streamlined and upleveled my business processes so I am now getting better results with less effort.

I believe that as business owners we have to invest in ourselves and in our training to get where we want to go. I attribute all my success to the mentors and coaches that I’ve worked with over the years and their training and mastermind programs I have attended.

Yet – I see far too many women getting overwhelmed with trying to figure everything out and do it all by themselves. They are not asking for the support they need. And so, they are not doing as well as they could if they invested in some mentoring.

So, I have written thid post and created a podcast for you on how you can shorten your learning curve and go from the level you’re at now to the next level in your coaching business.

Click the arrow to listen to Jan Marie Dore reading this article

Many coaches and professionals in private practice are struggling to grow a successful business. They are smart and dedicated people. Often the problem is that they don’t know enough basic business and marketing skills.

I see far too many women getting overwhelmed with trying to figure everything out and do it all themselves. They have lots of information – in fact, so much information that they become confused and overburdened. And how much of that information have they implemented? Very little.

It’s not a time management problem. It’s being able to handle all the incoming information that comes your way and know exactly what to do with it.

If you didn’t receive good business training along with your professional training program, how have you learned to grow a successful business?

There are several ways that you can learn the business and marketing basics:

  • Take a short course in business or marketing.
  • Take a longer business startup or marketing skills training program.
  • Read several books on business and marketing and personal branding.
  • Take an online training course.
  • Attend a seminar or conference.
  • Work with a business coach or mentor who has successfully built a similar business to the one you want to grow.

You can’t make it to the next level of your business with just information. To grow your business you need to be continually marketing to find new clients. You need a way to keep on top of which marketing tactics are working and which ones are not working.

To build your business more quickly and generate the income levels that you want, it helps to find the best information and also to have help implementing what you have learned. Web 2.0 has changed the playing field for marketing online and many old tactics that used to work well are no longer working effectively.

To shorten your learning curve, look for people with the expertise to make it happen for you. Find mentors who can teach you the basics of what will take you from the level you’re at now to the next level.

Where do you get your business advice? Do you know whether you’re getting good advice? Where do you get the opportunity to share ideas, frustrations and challenges and get feedback and support?

You might be just one fundamental element away from building the business and income you dream about. This one element can make the difference between taking years to grow your business and taking just months.

That one element is a mentor.

I have worked with many mentors over the years. There hasn’t been a time that I haven’t worked with a coach or a mentor or a mastermind team. I credit them all with getting me to where I am today much faster than I ever could have on my own.

You can sometimes find successful people who will mentor you for free. Or, you can pay big dollars to learn from the best. Or, you can join a mastermind group to be coached and often mentored by the group leader. Either way, you’ll shorten your learning curve and not feel so isolated and alone with your business challenges.

Everyone needs a mentor to take them to the next level. All you have to do is ask.

I invite your comments below.

Wishing you much success in growing your dreams!

Jan Marie

P.S. My 6 Session Business Accelerator Mentorship is now open for enrollment!

coaching business mentorshipAs of today I’m ready to receive new clients into this powerful private coaching program.


This program is for the new or experienced coach who’s no longer available to play small and is ready for high level mentorship from an experienced coach and successful entrepreneur.

In this 6 session private coaching program, you can expect to:

  • gain clarity on your exact next steps to create freedom in your business, finances and lifestyle
  • identify the business model, marketing methods and mindset that are in alignment with how you want to work
  • move out of overwhelm and “busy work” and focus your attention on creating the results you really want
  • release money blocks and increase your capacity to receive higher income and more clients
  • create an action plan for the systems and structures you need to set up to create powerful momentum quickly

You can sign-up for your 6 Session Mentorship here

What will the next few months mean for you?

Is it time to claim your Time and Financial Freedom?

Get all the details now.

P.P.S. You can Sign-up for a Complimentary Decision Making Call Here to get more details and decide if this level of personalized business support is right for you.


By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


  1. Jan, thanks for an interesting post. As women we have such a difficult time asking for help. I just recently started a mentoring relationship through a non-profit called MicroMentor and it’s totally free!
    – Robin Matuk

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