
How to Manifest a Really Big Goal the Easy Way

Have you been hustling and working hard to reach a goal that seems elusive to you? Have you ever set a big goal and then worked so had to achieve it that you finally gave up exhausted and disappointed? Do you know the difference between a coach who consistently reaches big goals the easy way… Continue reading How to Manifest a Really Big Goal the Easy Way

How You Can Stand Out as a Great Coach

You may have noticed that the coaching world is changing rapidly. These days you need to adjust and adapt to stay relevant, get noticed, and get hired. Developing a signature program or course can be a way for you to stand out from the sea of coaches offering similar services. Adding training to your coaching… Continue reading How You Can Stand Out as a Great Coach

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Topic for Your First Online Course

Have you ever thought about creating an online course? Online courses are one of the best ways for coaches to scale up their coaching business and make a bigger impact. But where do you start? In my video this week I talk about 3 things you must consider when choosing a topic for your first… Continue reading 3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Topic for Your First Online Course

Are You Ready to Go Premium in Your Coaching Business?

Have you ever thought about offering a premium priced coaching package? It’s one of the fastest ways to boost your income quickly. If you don’t yet offer a premium level service, you are leaving money on the table. In my video this week I give you some ideas for how you can create and sell… Continue reading Are You Ready to Go Premium in Your Coaching Business?

How to Shift From Good Enough to Being Your Best Self [Video]

Most of the women in my community are coaches, change makers and mission-driven entrepreneurs, and most of us are striving to be our best self. But, when we tolerate things being just ‘good enough’, we miss the chance to go all in and be supported in living our best life. In this video, I talk… Continue reading How to Shift From Good Enough to Being Your Best Self [Video]

Ready for a year of new beginnings? [my tips to manifest your dream]

I hope you had a fantastic holiday season and are re-energized and inspired to start the new year. I know I am. You may have had ups and downs and faced challenges in 2017, but 2018 is a whole new year. You get a clean slate. A chance to start fresh. So, how do you… Continue reading Ready for a year of new beginnings? [my tips to manifest your dream]

Who Am I Now? 7 Questions to Create the Results You Really Want

This time of year is a great time to look back at the year that has just ended and think about what you want to create in the next year. To focus on who you are becoming and how you want to serve. As the year comes to a close, one thing I like to… Continue reading Who Am I Now? 7 Questions to Create the Results You Really Want

What It Takes To Easily Sign Up New Coaching Clients

Do you have as many clients as you’d like? Can you imagine having more coaching clients than you can handle? A wait list of clients eager to start with you? Coaching is about making a difference and transforming lives. But if not enough people know about you, you won’t be helping as many people as… Continue reading What It Takes To Easily Sign Up New Coaching Clients

Do You Know Which Area of Your Coaching Business Needs Attention?

I have noticed that one of the biggest questions that most women entrepreneurs I work with struggle with is: “How do I determine the key areas I need to focus on in my business so I’ll get the best results with the least effort?” Is this a question you have too? For example, you may… Continue reading Do You Know Which Area of Your Coaching Business Needs Attention?

Four Reasons You Need to Create a Group Coaching Program ASAP

Have you ever thought about creating a group coaching program, but don’t know where to start? If you answered “yes”, there has never been a better time to start and run a group. Groups are the shortcut to higher profits that all successful professionals know. I know they have been for me. Group coaching programs… Continue reading Four Reasons You Need to Create a Group Coaching Program ASAP