
How to Listen to Your Soul, Not Your Ego

Are you listening to the voice of your ego or your soul? The voice of our soul is always guiding us, but often we are not listening. We tend to be in our heads much of the time listening to the voice of fear, doubt and worry. In my video today I share a simple… Continue reading How to Listen to Your Soul, Not Your Ego

How to Shift From Good Enough to Being Your Best Self [Video]

Most of the women in my community are coaches, change makers and mission-driven entrepreneurs, and most of us are striving to be our best self. But, when we tolerate things being just ‘good enough’, we miss the chance to go all in and be supported in living our best life. In this video, I talk… Continue reading How to Shift From Good Enough to Being Your Best Self [Video]

Do You Have a Morning Mindset Practice? [Video]

If you are a coach or a mission-driven woman entrepreneur, you more than likely spend a lot of time marketing your services and offers. But did you know that mindset work is the one thing that is often overlooked? And yet, I believe mindset is responsible for 80% to 90% of your results! In my… Continue reading Do You Have a Morning Mindset Practice? [Video]

Is Your Launch Plan Getting Too Complicated? [Video]

If you’re launching a new coaching program or trying to fill a new coaching group or sell an online course, it can feel overwhelming with all the steps you need to take and activities you need to do. But what I say is that it’s okay for you to simplify your promotion. I recorded a… Continue reading Is Your Launch Plan Getting Too Complicated? [Video]

Is Your Vision Too Small to Achieve Your Goals? [Video]

I have a coaching question for you: Is your vision too small to achieve your goals? I work with creative visionary women coaches and entrepreneurs and I often tell them that it is harder to achieve a small vision or goal than a big vision. In my Facebook Live video this week, I’ll tell you… Continue reading Is Your Vision Too Small to Achieve Your Goals? [Video]

What’s Next for Your Coaching Business – and What’s Working Now? [Video]

When we’ve been running our coaching business for a long time, sometimes we get stuck in our usual ways, even when some of the old ways aren’t working as well as they used to. As you may know, I have been teaching marketing skills for coaches for the past 20 years. And over the last… Continue reading What’s Next for Your Coaching Business – and What’s Working Now? [Video]

Business Growth is an Inside Job

I’ve been teaching marketing and client attraction for many years, and what I have noticed is that many women spend a lot of time learning how to use social media, or how to grow their list, or how to get better at sales, but they rarely focus on the internal work that would really take… Continue reading Business Growth is an Inside Job

How Personal Growth as a Coach Can Grow Your Business [Video]

I see many coaches and changemakers placing all their attention solely on marketing and strategy, trying to “get” clients, with not enough emphasis on growing themselves personally and spiritually. And yet, that’s where the gold is. I firmly believe that if you are not growing personally, your business will not grow. You will not attract… Continue reading How Personal Growth as a Coach Can Grow Your Business [Video]

How To Establish Credibility as a Coach [Video]

Most coaches that I know would love to have a wait list of clients. But, that’s rarely how it is for them. Most coaches in the industry are continually chasing after clients. So, what can put an end to this constant race for new clients? Watch this short VIDEO for my tips on how you… Continue reading How To Establish Credibility as a Coach [Video]

Is Perfectionism Holding You Back? (and What You Can Do If It Is)

Have you found yourself procrastinating on putting yourself out there so that clients can find you? Do you struggle with making decisions about what you will do next? These may be signs that perfectionism could be holding you back. When you are confused, indecisive, procrastinating – even overwhelmed, which is a sneaky way for perfectionism… Continue reading Is Perfectionism Holding You Back? (and What You Can Do If It Is)