Does asking for the money from potential clients in a sales conversation ever cause you fear or doubt, or deal a blow to your feeling of confidence? Do you dread that point in a conversation when someone says, “So what do you charge?”
You’re not alone.
I know when I first started asking people to work with me, I would go around in circles talking about anything to avoid the topic of money. I didn’t feel confident in what I was offering (that was way back when I offered only my time and sessions!)
Most of us have difficulty talking about money – especially when it comes to quoting prices for our own work.
But if you’re going to be successful in business, at some point, you have to get better at it.
Here are my 4 tips for what you can do to help you feel more confident asking for the money and discussing your rates like a pro with potential coaching clients.
1. Practice
The first rule for declaring your prices with confidence is simply to practice. Talk to yourself in the car or the shower. Stand in front of your mirror and say with confidence, “I charge $XXX.00 per hour.” Tell your dog or cat what your rates are.
The more you say your rates out loud (not just in your head) the more natural it will be for you.
2. Smile
Even if you’re on the phone or a video conference or writing an email, smile when you say your rates. Your tone of voice changes when you smile, and that tone can convey confidence and authority, not to mention professionalism. It also sends a signal to your body to relax too.
3. Avoid being wishy-washy
Listen to yourself as you speak to potential clients. Do you say things like, “Well, normally I charge…” or “Actually, my rates are…” or “Do you think that $XX.00 will work for you?” (That was me!)
These phrases – and others like them – are all wishy-washy ways of talking that do not instill confidence in your client, and worse, they make you sound like you don’t believe in yourself.
Rather than squeaking out a timid, “Um, I charge, like $450 per month,” straighten your back, smile, and say, “My rate for VIP coaching is $1,000 per month. When would you like to start?” And then…
4. Be silent
When we’re feeling nervous or intimidated, we tend to talk. We want to fill the silence with something, anything, just to avoid having to sit there uncomfortably and wonder what the other person is thinking.
But guess what? He or she is just as uncomfortable with the silence, and psychologically, the one who speaks first is at a disadvantage. So when you’re talking price, avoid the urge to fill the silence (especially because you’re most likely to try to justify your pricing) and give your potential client time to respond.
Will speaking with confidence always land you a new client? No. But being able to share your pricing in a clear voice will help potential clients know that you’re confident in your skills, and consequently, that you are the right coach for them.
Try out these tips and I just know you will feel more confident asking for the money and discussing your rates like a pro.
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Wishing you much success in signing up new clients!
~ Jan xo