
Change Your Mind to Attract More Abundance

attract abundance

attract abundanceSomething I have discovered over many years of coaching women on growing their business is that true prosperity is not just about having a lot of money.

It’s actually a state of well-being and a feeling of mental freedom with free and easy access to all the good that you desire.

Prosperity is a means to greater freedom – – and I’m all for freedom.

Many women come to me wanting to create a coaching business that will allow them to live an abundant and meaningful life.

Is that what you want too?

The thoughts you think create an energy field around you. If you are thinking the right thoughts, you will become a magnet for success, joy and abundance.

Any undisciplined thoughts you have, such as fear, doubt, worry, struggle, limitation, insecurity and procrastination will perpetuate your experience of lack.

And would you believe that this is what most of us are thinking most of the time without even realizing it!

Instead, you can begin to train your mind to think thoughts of clarity, self-confidence, courage, ease and generosity that will form a new pattern that will draw your good closer to you.

It takes a little time, but the rewards are so worth it.

That is true prosperity. Feeling calm, confident, inspired and joyful. . . knowing that as you step fully into living your life purpose, you will be rewarded just for BEING YOU – unapologetically.

I have come to believe that our supply comes to us not by physical effort, but through the power of our consciousness and the thoughts we think every hour of every day.

So, if you allow your mind to expand into thoughts of success and abundance every day, that is what you will experience.

Then, imagine that this success and abundance you are experiencing is inspiring the people you coach and mentor to experience the same.

Isn’t that a great reason to think positive thoughts?

Here are a few things you can do to draw more abundance into your life:

  • get really clear on the life and the income you want to create
  • install new empowering beliefs about the life you are creating
  • get excited about the awesome coaching packages you are offering
  • believe that your message and the work you do makes a real difference for your ideal clients
  • feel confident that you will sign up new clients with ease
  • visualize how you will feel when you sign up more new clients and bring in more income than you ever have before
  • imagine the joy you will feel having your first breakthrough month
  • imagine yourself creating all the resources you need to make an impact and create change in the world

Seek abundance everywhere and in everything. Feeling prosperous in this way allows you to be more generous and to serve at a higher level.

You deserve the best of everything, and everything you need and desire is right at hand if you believe it. Once you start practicing this idea you will find that you too can live a very prosperous life.

Prosperity is a state of mind. It’s the peace that comes from knowing that your needs will all be met.

You can use your creative mind to design the life you desire.

That’s the ultimate freedom.

Share with me below the practices you use to draw more ease and abundance into your life.

=> Or – Share your thoughts here in my Coaches & Changemakers FB Group

I always love to hear from you!

Jan xo

P.S. Are you ready to attract more abundance and freedom and live the life you know is meant for you?

I’m on a mission to support more women in making the impact they know they are meant to make and making the money they desire.

My private mentorship program is open for enrollment now. If you’d like to work with me:

Click here now for 1-1 Mentorship details

I have added in a special BONUS for you. You will receive free unlimited access to my 6 Module Signature Online Course “Booked Up Coach: 6 Steps to Create, Launch and Profit from Your Own Signature Coaching Program You Can Sell For $1K to $10K” (even if you’re starting from scratch!).

Click here now to request a Clarity Call with me



By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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