
Do You Know Which Area of Your Coaching Business Needs Attention?

Feb 26-16 Attention 394X216I have noticed that one of the biggest questions that most women entrepreneurs I work with struggle with is:

“How do I determine the key areas I need to focus on in my business so I’ll get the best results with the least effort?”

Is this a question you have too?

For example, you may need to work on
• attracting more clients
• strengthening communication with current clients
• creating more awareness of your services
• building relationships
• getting more visible
• attracting more attention
• generating more leads
• establishing your brand name and expertise
• making more sales
• getting better known as a leader in your field, or
• creating more leverage to grow your business

It’s a long list isn’t it? Where do you start?

If you’re not sure which area of your business needs your attention right now, that may be why you’re working too hard and not seeing the results you really want.

Exactly how do you determine the key areas you need to focus on in order to get better results?

Here’s a quick diagnostic tool that I use with my clients.

This list will give you several ideas of which strategies to use based on your goals and the outcomes you decide you want to achieve.

1. Get Attention
If you are just starting out, or you’re rebranding you services, you need to create more awareness and visibility for who you are and what you do.

Tactics to use: social networking, publish a blog, give talks, get interviewed, video tips series, seminars, teleseminars, media release.

2. Build Relationships
To build stronger relationships, you need to connect and communicate consistently and be a resource and referral partner for others.

Tactics to use: networking, social networking, email marketing, publish an ezine, create community at your website or blog, referrals, testimonials, strategic alliances, joint venture partnerships

3. Attract More Clients
To attract more clients, you need to generate more leads at your website or blog with an irresistible offer, or offer free content-rich tips, talks, or teleseminars to give people a taste of what you do.

Tactics to use: irresistible free offer at website, ezine, blog, weekly tips, free talks, free teleseminar or webinar, special report, audio series, free video tips, mini-ecourse, quiz, assessment

4. Grow Your List
I encourage you to think of creating a community of followers or building your tribe, rather than just growing your list or database.

Tactics to use: free giveaways, contests, create a lead magnet, social media networking, Facebook fan page, speaking, free teleseminars and webinars

5. Build Your Brand
If you’re ready to build an authentic brand, be a leader in your niche, and extend your reach globally, you need to position yourself as a leading authority or trusted advisor in your field.

Tactics to use: narrow your niche specialty, Facebook fan page, publish a thought-leader blog, claim your space on the web, create your first info-product, design and sell your signature program, write your signature speech, create a coaching program, deliver a workshop, training, seminar or retreat, get booked to speak, get PR and media attention, form strategic alliances, write a book.

6. Create Immediate Sales
If you want to boost your cashflow, make more sales quickly, and increase your profits, you need to make personal, 1-1 contact and have deeper authentic enrollment conversations with more people.

Tactics to use: speaking, create a new program for existing clients, design a high-end client VIP intensive consultation, personal phone calls, complimentary strategy sessions, schedule enrollment conversations, explore new markets, run sales promotions.

7. Get Leverage
Leverage, scalability, and passive income are the key to freedom and higher income. You’ll want to package your passion and expertise into an irresistible client program that you can deliver in multiple formats.

Tactics to use: create your signature home study system, run group programs, design an online course, joint ventures, affiliates, media releases, R&D team, licensing, trademarking programs.

Here’s what to do:

1. From the list above, determine your greatest area of need right now.

2. Choose two or three of the categories that will support your business growth. Then, determine the tactics that will give you your greatest return. Find a balance of passive & active, online & offline elements.

3. Decide to focus on only one strategy at any one time as your highest priority project, and take action consistently in that area.

Choosing the key areas to focus your attention will give you the best results with less effort on your part and bring you’re the success and recognition you deserve!

Share your thoughts below. I always love to hear from you!

~ Jan


By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


  1. Great article Jan! Its so easy to get lost in all the “should-do’s”. Your list is a super reminder to step back and gain clarity, then take focused actions. Thanks for this.

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