
Do Press Releases Attract Clients?

We’re currently working on sending out a press release to announce that I’m going to be featured as the small business growth expert at an upcoming conference for women entrepreneurs. Speaking at a conference, offering a workshop or teleseminar that solves a pressing issue for people or companies or links to a current news story, or receiving an award or recognition are all great opportunities to send press releases.

One of my private coaching clients recently asked me this question by email about using press releases to attact clients:

“I think a way to get clients would be by making my services known via press releases. I have attempted writing one in the past, but it wasn’t right; I only succeeded in making it another marketing blurb. The press release idea still eludes me, despite your having sent me examples. I’m now considering hiring someone to write it. Your comments and input, please! I’m ouching over this.”

I answered my client by saying that press releases can work to get you more visibility and possibly interviews, but they don’t necessarily attract clients directly. A small local paper will take an announcement of your business opening, but bigger papers look for more newsworthy stories or announcements their readers would like to know about. If you can link it to a current news story or statistic, that can sometimes get their attention. Occasionally, your press release might give a reporter a reason to call and interview you, but that doesn’t always happen.

There are additional ways to get the word out. Often papers have an announcement section where you can announce the opening of your new business for free. That might be another approach to look at. I know I did that several times when I first started my business and I got several phone calsl form the announcement. They will also list in their community events section any free or paid workshops you are offering.

You might also try submitting an article or a well written story to a paper in addition to a press release. That can sometimes attract potential clients to contact you. Experiment to see which approach works better for you.

Press releases should certainly be a part of your marketing mix. There are many free submission sites, and several great paid services. More on that in an upcoming post……

What’s been your experience with submitting press releases? Has a new client ever contacted you from reading your press release?

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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