
The Hard Truth About Coaching In Turbulent Times

Terri Levine and Dave Lakhani have posted an eye-opening video The Hard Truth About Coaching In Turbulent Times. If you are a coach – you must watch this video!

It’s a must see for all coaches and a real wake up call. In this ‘inconvenient economy”, many coaches are failing because they have mot learned how to market themselves, how to close more sales, or how to create information products that bring in passive income. They are not offering a tangible return on investment, such as teaching a skill or impacting someone’s bottom line.

I’m glad someone is finally speaking out about what’s wrong in the coaching industry. I have been saying – and teaching – this for years. The schools teach you how to coach, but not how to run a profitable business.

The most successful coaches are not just coaching, they are consulting, mentoring, speaking, training and creating products. They are ruthlessly applying sales, marketing and visibility strategies. They are recognized experts in their field. People hire them because they know how to help them solve their specific problems.

Terry challenges us to go on a 10 day diet of no more every day than:

  • 1 hour email

  • 1 hour social media

  • 1 hour television

The rest of the time, focus ruthlessly on marketing implementation and prospect calls.

Terri and Dave are hosting a free teleseminar on Wed May 27th. I’m sure there will be many good ideas on what it takes to make more sales.

You can see the video here.

Here’s how I can help you if you’re struggling in this economy:

Call or email me any time if you’d like to set up a time to discuss how I can help you grow and thrive in this economy.

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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