
Attract More Clients by Getting More Exposure On the Internet

Are you in a place of wanting more clients to fill your practice or grow your business? I have effectively used the Internet to attract more prospects and clients, and I’d like to share with you how you can too.

Here are three great ways to use the Internet to get noticed by more prospects:

1) Article Marketing
Article marketing is one of the top ways I have used to get visible on the Internet and attract more clients to my website. I write short articles – 400 to 750 words are enough – and submit them to online article directories. EzineArticles.com is the top article directory to use. You can place a short resource box at the bottom of your articles with your bio and a link back to your website. Once people have read your article, many will want to find out more and will click through to visit your site.

2) Blogging
By posting to a blog on a regular basis, you’ll start to develop a following of people who are interested in what you have to say. Over time, some will be ready to hire you without you having to do any real selling. A great strategy is to use your blog to create content for an ebook, a workbook or a book by posting on specific topics and themes. The media might also notice you if you’re blogging on a specific topic, and want to interview you as a subject matter expert in your field.

3) Social Media Marketing
Social networking at sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a great way to build connections online and be a resource for people. Use social media to build relationships, not to make sales directly. You can be strategic about developing relationships with people who could potentially introduce you to their contacts or their community. Be interested in connecting with and helping other people, and you’ll develop a following. Have a link to your website at your social media pages to make it easy for people to click through and check you out.

If you’re not using any of the above methods to demonstrate your expertise and attract new prospects to your website, you’re missing out on a great opportunity. Choose one of the methods above, and start to develop a system to use that strategy in your marketing mix. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results!

I invite you to post your thoughts and comments below.

Wishing you much success!

~ Jan Marie

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


  1. Hi Jan,
    I echo your thoughts exactly. I have only been using social media for about three months (prior to that facebook was the worst thing in the world considering I have a teenager) but now have a number of followers and I am sure it is because I provide a space for them to tell the world about themselves through my questions posted. Referring people to resources is fantastic because it is value add, however, if someone starts to constantly sell, then I find myself thinking of them as a nuisance. It is interesting…

  2. Thanks to Jan for super tips about becoming more visible. Although I am not a Facebook fan as it seems to eat up time, I did connect with Linked In after a strong recommendation from several professional speaking colleagues. Even that can become onerous as groups connect to let me know what questions have been asked but it is interesting to see the answers and to see who appears to be as Bernadette said “selling” and who genuinely helps readers with suggestions. Our world seems so connected to computers. Does anyone else ever long for real face to face contact with humans? Positively,

  3. Great points Jan. I have done some article marketing and lots of connections with LinkedIn, facebook and twitter. I must admit that I have not done the blog yet, but will be with our upcoming book. I do find that I must restrict the time I spend on them though as I could be there for hours chatting with friends and participating in the group discussions in LinkedIn.

    Thanks for all of the tips you send out and the interviews you do on your teleseminars. I have had a lot of a-hah moments and many points have helped me out. You have lots of testimonials saying the same thing. Keep it up…..S>

  4. Thanks for your comments ladies!

    Bernadette: It sounds like you are using social media very effectively by asking questions and being a resource. We have a lot in common. I look forward to getting to know you better!

    Pauline: I think we are longing for more face to face contact -especially women. I plan to offer more workshops and retreats to address that need.

    Sue: Amy had some great suggestions on my teleseminar about effectively managing time spent in social media and the value of blogging. Glad you have had some aha moments! Keep up the great work. You are such a good connector and friend.


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