
Generosity: The New Business Growth Strategy

business strategy

business strategyWhen you learned about business, were you taught that it’s all about getting clients, promoting yourself, and making lots of money? I know that’s what I learned. And that’s the way I approached growing my business for many years.

It took me a long time to realize that there is another way to approach the growth of your business. This new way of doing business is much more effective, takes less effort, and feels more fulfilling and joyful for both you and your clients.

Want to know what this time-tested approach is that works very, very well for coaches and heart-centered entrepreneurs?

This new business strategy is about practicing GENEROSITY.

Now, I don’t mean to say that you’d be giving away your time for free or offering discounts. That’s just not good business practice. You have spent time mastering your craft, and you deserve to be well paid for your services.

What I mean is that you’d adopt an attitude of LIVING GENEROUSLY.

Generosity is the secret ingredient for business building success. You’re in the people business, and adopting a generous spirit can build trust and engagement with the people you serve.

And that’s what we all want in our business, isn’t it?

Being generous is also the state of mind that is required to break free from a scarcity mentality into abundance. A generous attitude attracts prosperity.

When you’re generous, you’re coming from the belief that that your needs have all been met and that you’re already experiencing abundance. You believe you have more than enough to share. You give your overflow away out of a feeling of abundance.

Now doesn’t that sound better than chasing after clients trying to get something from them?

Generosity is not just about sharing your money or time.

It can be about:

  • sharing ideas and inspiration
  • offering encouragement and support
  • acknowledging people
  • giving people your attention and heart
  • letting people know you care
  • making them smile

Here are several ideas for how you might practice generosity in your business:

  • be positive, passionate and energetic in all of your interactions
  • share your insights, experience and wisdom
  • when networking – be generous with your ideas and how-to strategies in conversations with people who might benefit from your expertise
  • in your blogging – be generous with your content by sharing your common sense and giving away your experience, responding to comments, and engaging at other people’s blogs
  • at your live events – take time to engage and connect with people, sign your books, or give away a CD introducing them to your work
  • give away a free audio program, video series or webinar that your audience would value
  • create short video tips to share quick ideas and inspiration at YouTube and at your blog
  • in your virtual events and group programs – stay on to answer questions so you set people up to succeed
  • write a book or ebook that will help people

Look for ways to be generous that would be meaningful to the people you serve. Plant seeds. Serve people. Share your heart and passion. Use generosity as a core business practice. As you do, you will start to build a reputation for generosity.

People will still be willing to pay to work with you – especially because you have been so willing to get them started with new ideas and first steps by sharing some of what you already know.

Generosity is the new business growth strategy. Try it and see!

I invite you to post your comments below. I always love to hear from you.

Wishing you much joy and success!

Jan Marie

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


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