You already have a brand. Everyone has a brand – whether you know it or not.
Your brand is a reflection of who you are, your opinions, values and beliefs expressed by what you say and do and how you do it.
Personal branding focuses on you – your experience, talents, personal flair, and unique point of view. This is what turns you into a brand just like the brands seen in cars, toothpaste, airlines, perfume, and soap.
Your personal brand stands for your unique identity, distinctiveness, and a promise of value. It’s your unique “signature style”.
Take a look at your marketing materials, marketing message, website, and blog. What is your brand saying about you?
- Do your marketing materials have a consistent look and feel and have you updated them recently with new services and programs?
If not…it may be time for a brand makeover. I’ll be posting a series of tips for you over the next few weeks on several ways you can easily buff up your brand.
Yes, branding goes far beyond the colors of your logo or website — it’s the essence of your business that takes time to develop and will evolve over time. Great article Jan!
Thanks Zenobia. Your true brand is really that deeper, authentic essence that many people don’t take the time to develop.
Jan, after I attended your Online Profits program, I updated my website and materials after receiving your excellent coaching. Now my brand is upfront and center, clear and elegant.