
The Passion Test: Are You Still Searching for Your Passion?

The Passion Test
I just re-read the book “The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose” by Janet Bray Attwood & Chris Attwood. The book inspires you to create the life of your dreams based on your passions. Janet & Chris give you the steps to change your life to align it with what matters most to you. There are some wonderful stories and examples throughout the book.

Their process of the Passion Test gives you clarity quickly and easily. It gives you a roadmap to take what you love and make money in your business from it.

It’s so important as business owners to be clear on our passions, strengths, and purpose. They form the foundation for our financial success.

I had done the test before, but they suggest you take it every six months. Sure, enough, things had changed. For me, it feels like it’s time to step up and out in a bigger way and do more speaking and in person mastermind groups.

What they call passions, I would call vision and values. Different terminology, but the same end result.

Here is a general sense of my passions this time (I have left out some specifics about my income goals).

My Top 5 Passions:

  • I am a wise, creative, authentic, spiritually-minded, financially successful speaker and coach who shares an inspirational message that transforms women’s business and lives. I empower solo professional women entrepreneurs all over the world both personally and financially through coaching, training and leading women’s wisdom circles and retreats.
  • I live life in joy, beauty, abundance and financial freedom and work with an enlightened, supportive, creative team.
  • I am part of a supportive, collaborative network of inspired, visionary, spirit-minded, financially successful entrepreneurs worldwide.
  • I study with inspiring business and spiritual masters and network with other lifelong learners regularly by taking seminars, conferences, and coaching programs and reading books.
  • I create and sell beautiful watercolor paintings and travel to study with many art teachers.

I read my list every day to remind me of what I’m working toward. It gives me guidance of what to do each day.

This book will help you wake up your passions so you can discover your purpose and live your innermost dreams.

I’d love to hear what your passions are!

By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!

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