
Stepping Up to a Bigger Stage in Your Business

live your purpose

live your purposeAre you ready to step up to a bigger stage in your business?

For several months now, I have been feeling called to step up in a bigger way and live more of my purpose by getting out and giving more talks, presentations, webinars and group programs.

I must say, I have also been resisting being more visible in this way and sharing my message with larger audiences in several ways by:

  • not clarifying what I would like to speak about

  • not honing in on my unique talents, specialty or passion

  • getting bogged down in too many to-dos and non-revenue-generating activities

Are you experiencing any of these things?

Do you feel a nudge to move in a new direction, or offer a new service or program, or be more visible in a bigger way? Yet, you might be resisting or holding yourself back . . . sometimes without even realizing it.

Do you feel a call to:

  • put yourself out there more?

  • have a bigger year?

  • create more opportunities to share your experience with others?

I’d like to share with you some of the ways I have found helpful to break through my inertia and get into action. Here are some of the things that I’ve been doing so I can feel supported in getting out there and being of service to more people.

I have been:

  • reaching out for more support

  • connecting with more people in social and at networking events

  • participating in a dynamic mastermind group of like-minded women

  • mentoring with a high-level coach

  • working on my mindset every day

  • visualizing living my higher purpose

  • making time for creative silence several times a day

  • walking in nature

  • trusting my intuition more and acting on it right away

  • raising my awareness of what I’m thinking at any given moment

  • maintaining my connection to my inner knowing

  • making sure I start each day by spending time on my top priorities

  • asking myself throughout the day: “Why am I doing what I’m doing right now?”

If you’re not taking action on your inner knowing, asking yourself the above question will really raise your level of awareness about any limiting beliefs or ingrained habits that may be blocking you and no longer serving you.

If you feel ready to step up in a bigger way, to be of service to more people, or to spread your message to a wider audience, I invite you to try any of my ideas, and also to share below what works for you or the practices that support you in being your best.

Wishing you great success stepping up to a bigger stage!

Jan Marie

Ready to Be Bolder and More Visible with Your Message and Your Brand?

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  • next steps to be more VISIBLE
  • clarity on what’s stopping you so you can move forward

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By Jan Marie Dore

I mentor coaches and women entrepreneurs to attract more clients and create and sell more of their coaching services, programs and courses online at www.JanMarieDore.com. I also host a Free Facebook community for women entrepreneurs at Coaches & Changemakers. Come join us - it's FREE!


  1. Jan Marie,

    Thanks for the tips. My main problem is not making a definite schedule to sit down and do the top priority task that will make the most difference in my business.


  2. Hi Lana,
    It’s such a good habit to focus on our most important activity every day. There’s nothing that will move your business forward more quickly!

  3. Hi Jan Marie,

    Thanks for this post. I have felt the same way for a while now
    and it can be quite frightening to step up! The fear of leaving our comfort zones can hold us back if we let it. But I like to think that what I feel isn’t fear, just a caution signal that goes off when I’m entering uncharted waters! It isn’t saying, “Stop and run away!” It’s saying, “Proceed with extra care!”

    So, like you I have a list of things to do, and areas to seek support. I especially like the one about doing your most important tasks first. It can make the day feel worthwhile!
    And to Lana, may I suggest, can you take a weekend, or two days off and do some goal-setting and planning? A time-out might help you get back on track.

    Love and blessings,

    Oma Edoja

  4. Hi Oma,
    I like your idea of fear being a caution signal saying proceed with extra care, rather than saying stop. That’s an important distinction.

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