I have been enjoying attending more women’s networking groups and conferences recently and finding out what women business owners are up to and are thinking about. I really love supporting women in solving their most pressing business challenges. There are so many inspirational women out there providing amazing services and products. This is a picture of me (near the top) with a group of fabulous, talented women at a recent event in Niagara Falls hosted by Soul Purpose Expert Jennifer Longmore.
Click the arrow to listen to Jan Marie Dore reading this article.
I’m a big believer in mastermind programs and success teams. A business mastermind success team is a group of entrepreneurs or business owners who get together to support each other in growing their business, in moving through stuck places, and in brainstorming ideas for new opportunities.
If you’re a business owner you may notice how easy it is to get stuck in the details of running your business and how hard it is to stay focused on the big picture of where you want your business to go. If we don’t get support and feedback from other people who know us and our business well, it’s almost impossible for us to see how and where we’re getting stuck. We don’t often take the opportunity to step outside our business, take an objective viewpoint, and reconnect with our vision.
The benefits of participating in a mastermind team are many. You benefit from the creative ideas of many people instead of just your own limited thoughts. The group will help you problem solve your biggest challenges. The synergy of the group helps you to step out of your comfort zone into the place of new possibilities. The group will also hold you accountable so that you’re more likely to take action to reach your goals.
If you want to pull together your own success team, here are some tips to get you started:
Create a vision of the outcome you want
The first step is to get clear on what you want to create. What do you want your business and life to look like five years from now? How do you define success? The clearer you are on your vision and the outcomes you want, the more likely you are to achieve them.
Write out your goals and objectives
Less than five percent of people write out their goals, but those who do are much more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. Writing out your goals and objectives to achieve your vision will give you and your group a clear roadmap to your success.
Decide who you want on your success team
Think about who you’d like to invite. Who would be the right partners for you? It’s been said that our business will be as successful as the five business people we spend the most time with. Our income and success tends to stay in the same range as the group we’re connected to.
Take responsibility for your experience
Decide what you’d want to get out of being a part of a mastermind team. What would be the best outcome you could achieve? If these people were your ‘virtual board of directors’, how would you want to interact with them? Establish guidelines for trust, honesty, confidentiality, commitment, timeliness, and accountability.
Rotate leadership
The group doesn’t need one leader, but it’s good for each member to rotate through the leadership role. This may mean the person who hosts the meeting reminds people of the day and time, sets the tone, facilitates the discussion, and keeps time so that everyone gets air time. Or, you may set roles for each member, such as meeting scheduler, host, note taker, and time keeper.
A mastermind team can be a powerful support for your business success. Commit to taking action to create your own personal success team, or joining a mastermind group hosted by a business coach or success expert, and watch your results multiply.
I invite your comments below.