I was recently interviewed by marketing coach Jody Gabourie on “My Formula for Making More Money and Having More Freedom in Your Business”.
In this teleseminar, I shared my twelve step formula that when followed leads to more success, more time and more money. I call it my formula for Simplicity + Prosperity.
Click the arrow to listen to the interview
I see too many women entrepreneurs struggle with growing their business. Often it’s because they were not taught the right way to market themselves or to build a sustainable business that doesn’t drain all their time and energy.
In this audio program, you’ll learn how to:
- simplify and streamline your business so you can work less, have more freedom, and make more money
- shift your business model from one to one service delivery to one to many and multiple streams of income
- redesign your business step-by-step around your expertise
- rise to the top of your field and become the leader of a micro-niche market
- grow a financially successful professional service business that gives you the lifestyle you really want and makes a difference
- implement the formula for making more money and having more freedom in your business
In this interview, I share with you the twelve most important principles that I have learned about being financially successful in any ’special knowledge’ industry, such as coaching, consulting, speaking, training, etc. It really is possible to build a professional service business that is financially rewarding, gives you the lifestyle you really want, and makes a big difference in the world.
Jody Gabourie who interviewed me is a marketing coach in Vancouver, BC. Find out more about Jody here.
I hope you enjoy the interview!
Jan Marie
I have listened to dozens of teleseminars.
Most of them leave me with at least one good tip, some inspiration, or motivation. This one, which discussed making more money and having more freedom in your business, has been the best of all of them for me!
I took several pages of notes, got numerous ideas, and feel that my time spent was worthwhile. It will help me be more productive and profitable once I start my business later this year. Also,the things I learned will help me design my entire life better! A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart, and a big hug for giving this knowledge away for free.
You’re very welcome Beth! I’m glad you got value from the call. Best wishes for much success,
Jan Marie